Dont starve wiki winifred
Dont starve wiki winifred

  • Watricia is likely to be a codename and not the Character's real name, just as Wastien was Warlys codename.
  • It's currently unknown why the Pyro was never implemented but it is speculated that it could have been due to copyright issues or backlash from the community.
  • dont starve wiki winifred

  • In the sound files, Pyro is called "wyro", but in the poster, he's called "Pyro".
  • Winnie has a yawning sound file in Don't Starve Together.
  • Winnie may be a reference or a cameo to/of Winifred (Winnie) Foster from the book " Tuck Everlasting" by Natalie Babbit, because of her similar dress, shared name, and blonde hair.
  • This was taken in a different direction with Wigfrid who can only consume meats.
  • Winnie was originally intended to be a vegetarian character.
  • Many Characters listed here have been modded into the game by the community, including Wilton, Winnie, Waverly, and Pyro.
  • WX-78, Wickerbottom, Wes, Maxwell (for a short time), Woodie, Webber and Wilbur were on this page before they were added.
  • On the subject of character unlocking, Kevin said: "I'm not against having a secret character unlock down in the depths of the cave, but it would probably end up being a more esoteric one, like Wortox or something else non-human".
  • In the preview stream for "A Little Rain Must Fall", Klei said that all of these characters' sounds were completed, although only some of them are in the files.
  • What's interesting to note is that most of WX-78's sound files still have the prefix "Woodrow", suggesting that Woodrow might have been either a development name for WX-78 or a completely different character that eventually evolved into WX-78.
  • "Woodrow" has sound files that are identical to WX-78's files.
  • dont starve wiki winifred

  • There are mentions of a Mail Pack in the game files that was supposed to be a Backpack exclusive to her.
  • Rawling was supposed to be an Item exclusive to her.
  • Watricia has a speech file, but it is empty.
  • Watricia was a character that was supposed to be implemented in the Shipwrecked DLC, but was later scrapped in favor of Wilbur.

    Dont starve wiki winifred